Today’s post is about collection sorting. It can be confusing because we have 5 options to choose from the available sorting methods:
addAttributeToSort() and
Only setOrder($field, $dir) is available regardless of collection type and system settings.
I will suggest used setOrder().
For EAV collections you can use
$collection->getSelect()->reset(Zend_Db_Select::ORDER); // it will reset the order by clause of collection
And then use
$collection->setOrder($field, $dir); // set new order by field
Let me know in comments if this has helped you....
Happy Coding... :) ...
addAttributeToSort() and
Only setOrder($field, $dir) is available regardless of collection type and system settings.
I will suggest used setOrder().
If you came across any requirement that ask to change an order, but an order is already set on the collection then use unshiftOrder($field, $dir) for flat table collections.
For EAV collections you can use
$collection->getSelect()->reset(Zend_Db_Select::ORDER); // it will reset the order by clause of collection
And then use
$collection->setOrder($field, $dir); // set new order by field
Let me know in comments if this has helped you....
Happy Coding... :) ...